Do I need to bring anything for the float session?
There’s probably nothing you need to bring with you. We provide: lovely towels, earplugs, organic shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, GHD hairdryer & straightener, vaseline, and complimentary teas for after your float.
What you might want to bring: Any other personal toiletries. You have your own private room, so we suggest floating naked to be completely free of sensation - but if you’d prefer to wear a swimsuit or shorts, remember to bring a bag to put them in afterwards, too.
What is the longest I can float for?
Most people float for an hour. However, the longer and more regularly you float, the greater the benefits you’ll experience. Increasingly, people are booking double or triple floats, but we don’t have a maximum. Please get in contact if you would like a bespoke float duration.
What is Epsom salt? Is it good for skin?
Epsom salt is a magnesium-rich mineral used for centuries to improve sleep, and reduce pain, cramping, headaches, and muscle ache. And there’s half a ton of it in our pod!
Epsom salt also makes dry skin feel soft and supple; and can remove impurities, toxins, oil and dirt from the skin. The magnesium in the Epsom salt is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial, and therefore helps to improve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and athlete’s foot.
I'm claustrophobic. Can I float?
It’s a common worry, but the pods are much bigger than people expect - so big, in fact, that you can stretch out without touching the sides! If you do feel nervous, you can always leave the top open, or have the inside light on for as long as you like - you’re in complete control. Once inside the pod, people are usually surprised at how safe and relaxed they feel.
How often should I float?
Like exercise, meditation, and many other things, you’ll notice more of a difference if you float regularly. Once a week to once a month is ideal - and if you can do more, all the better. We suggest setting a regular floating schedule; the same day and time each week, every two weeks, or every month.
What can I expect for my first float?
The majority of people emerge from their float feeling refreshed and relaxed, with a clearer head. The benefits are different for everyone, so it’s best to be open-minded about what you’ll experience. Sometimes it can take a few floats to learn how to switch off fully - so stick with it if you felt like you could have relaxed more deeply.
Should I let you know about my health condition?
Yes, please let us know about any health conditions, and read our waiver carefully (online or in-centre, depending on how you sign up). Most importantly, you should check with your doctor before floating.
Is there any risk of drowning?
Don’t worry, there’s no way you can drown - even if you tried! The high buoyancy of the water makes it impossible for you to sink beneath the surface.
I'm pregnant. Can I float?
It is completely safe for pregnant women to float. Many women have found unique relief from the physical strains of later pregnancy when they float, as pressure is taken off of their backs. We also hear from pregnant women that floating is the perfect environment to connect with their baby, as they can more easily sense them in the stillness of the pod. If you’re pregnant, let us know and we can give you some extra tips on how to get the most out of your float before you get here or when you arrive.
Can I float if I'm menstruating?
Yes, you can float when you’re menstruating - it can be the perfect way to nourish yourself, and to encourage your muscles to relax if you get cramps. Just follow the same process as when you go swimming.
Why does my neck hurt?
We’ve had a few first timers say that their neck hurt during their session. That’s because we are used to holding our neck up and sometimes too far forwards, especially when using phones and computers regularly. It can be challenging to fully relax our necks in the pod and allow the water to fully carry the weight of our head. But after a couple of floats it will become natural, and tension will disappear. We have a Halo Float Pillow, which is designed to provide the neck with extra support, should you want to use that.
Can I float with eczema?
Epsom salt can sting any areas of broken skin, so we recommend not floating during a flare-up of eczema or psoriasis. However, many people with recurrent eczema and psoriasis find that floating helps these conditions. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate - and magnesium is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial, which helps keep minor skin irritations clean. Floating also helps to reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone), and research has shown that flare-ups of eczema and psoriasis are often correlated with stress levels. Therefore, regular floating could help prevent further flare-ups. If you do want to float and have a flare up, you can always use vaseline on the area to stop it from stinging so much.
Can I drink alcohol and float?
Being half-cut in the pod would be an unpleasant experience. We don’t recommend it, and we don’t allow people to float under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Are there any weight restrictions?
There are no weight limits - the salt can hold anyone afloat.
Do you use chemicals in the pod?
We use UV light as the primary disinfectant, along with a filtration system that’s the finest of any pod in the world - 100 times finer than a human hair! We also use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to oxidise any bacteria, but it can’t harm humans. It’s the safest and healthiest way we can keep the pods clean. We also add one spray of diluted chlorine to the ventilation system each day after we close in the evenings - but this doesn’t go into the water.
Can I float if I have a cut or scrape?
As long as the wound is not too large or open, you can cover cuts and scrapes with the vaseline provided. This will add a protective, waterproof layer to prevent stinging. If you choose to brave it without the vaseline, the saltwater will sting, but is also thought to have healing properties.
Do I need to prepare in any way?
You don’t need to prepare for you float. However, we recommend not shaving or drinking caffeine on the day.
I have just died my hair. Can I float?
It’s important that you’ve washed your hair a couple of times since it was dyed. That way the dye will have set properly, and the water won’t harm your hair colour, and your hair colour won’t colour our pods!
Why do I need to shower at the beginning?
We ask everyone to shower at the beginning of their float to remove any excess oil or dirt from the body and hair, which means the filters in the pods don’t need to work overtime!
What should I do in the pod? Will I get bored?
Some people find that doing some simple stretches of their arms and legs while lying down and floating can help them settle into a deep rest in the pod. People who do yoga might even experiment with a floating twist! While we don’t recommend being active for long, a simple stretch can help you settle. An hour sounds like a long time with no stimulation, but it tends to go quickly - with people often saying they wish it had lasted longer!
Can I keep the lid open?
You have complete control of the lid. Our pod lid is manual, not mechanised, so you never have to fear being trapped! We recommend closing it to keep the temperature constant and experience the darkness, but you can leave the lid cracked a little, or open completely if you prefer.
Can I keep the light on?
You have complete control of the light. We recommend trying to turn the light off to benefit from the lack of sensory input, but many people leave the light on and still experience many benefits.
Can I listen to my own music?
Yes! You are able to connect your device to our pod and listen to music or a podcast while you float. Please speak to one of our staff who will help you with the connection.